
AoH Karma and Convexity 9

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Literature Text

"Come on, Certo."
The five year-old black dragon perked up from his basking spot on top of a rock beside his family's cave. Certo smiled at his older sister and bounded off the rock and skidded to a halt in front of her.
"Mom and Dad say it's time we start teaching you to hunt on your own." The black dragoness was in her late adolescence. Her body was long and slender, longer than most female dragons. Her head was surrounded by four long horns with one smaller adult horn protruding from each of her cheeks. Her eyes were just as blue as Certo's and twice as fierce. She lacked the spiny fin her younger brother had over his hips along his spine but she was okay with that. She had always viewed Certo as her favorite sibling out of a family clutch of five total offspring. She nuzzled her brother affectionately and he giggled excitedly and licked her snout.
"I'm ready to go Star," He chirped excitedly.
"Alright then. Let's go." The black dragoness smiled. She hoped that one day when she found a mate that her own offspring looked as good as Certo did.
"Oh wait, we almost forgot Neros!" Certo stopped and turned to run back into the cave.
"Certo wait," Star called but her little brother had already disappeared out of ear shot. A couple minutes later he came trotting outside with a big smile on his face. Star's enthusiastic smile had disappeared as she waited for her other brother to emerge from the cave. Certo looked back with an eager smile on his face as the small white dragon stepped into the light. The albino black dragon looked exactly like his twin brother with the obvious exception being his coloration. Neros's skin was nearly pink when he and Certo had hatched together but now displayed the light pale yellow coloration from being in the sun whenever Certo was able to convince his family to let him come outside. Certo's family had always been troubled by the fact that Neros's ruby-red eyes made him extremely sensitive to sunlight.
Neros cringed as he emerged into the sunlight. He closed his eyes and shielded his head with a wing before opening them again.
Certo walked over to his twin and extended his wings over Neros's head. "Are you okay?" He asked knowing how sensitive his brother's eyes were to light in general.
"I'm fine," Neros answered softly. "Are you sure it's okay if I come along?"
"Absolutely." Certo nodded looking back at Star. "Can't Neros come? Please? He never gets to come out anyways."
"Yes he does Certo," Star retorted. "You say that every single time one of us takes you out to train you."
Certo hung his head and jutted his lower lip out. "But Neros needs to learn too," He whimpered in his most pathetic-sounding voice. "But no one is ever up at night to take him out when he can see."
"Certo, don't worry about it." Neros placed a paw in his brother's shoulder. "I'll just learn on my own one day." He looked up at his sister who always insisted on keeping her eyes averted from the sight of him.
"Please!" Certo whined pushing his voice to the verge of a temper tantrum.
"Alright, alright," Star sighed, rolling her eyes.
"Yay!" Certo gave an excited jump and reared up on his hind legs to lick his sister's chin. "I love you!"
"Yeah, yeah." Star sighed and stroked Certo's crest on top of his head before giving him a kiss on his snout. "You're lucky I love you so much. I spoil you rotten."
Certo only giggled, knowing that he could get his sister to do just about anything for him. Star gave Neros a quick glance as if to deliver a silent message but the white dragon knew exactly what his sister was saying. Neros sighed and followed after his brother as the three of them spread their wings and took flight.
Certo and Neros had both learned to fly the year before when the family was still willing to venture out at night and teach Neros what he needed. But as recent seasons came around the family was growing more and more tired with having to teach Certo during the day and Neros at night. Eventually it had grown to be that no one wanted to leave the cave at night anymore, leaving Neros to sit in the cave and wait for Certo to return from his lessons.
Star led the two dragons up the side of the mountain and over the dense trees far below on the other side that made it impossible for any dragon to take flight below the canopy.
As they flew along, Certo glanced over at his brother who was doing a considerable job with keeping up.
"Hey," he whispered as he flew up over his brother's head to speak in private. "Have you been sneaking out again to go flying?"
Neros looked up at him with a mischievous grin. He knew his brother was purposely covering him from the stinging sunlight, which he was grateful for. "You know that I have to stay in practice somehow. I can't stand being cooped up inside that cave all the time."
Certo frowned. "I wish you didn't have to be so sensitive to light. Then you could come out with us more often rather than sneaking out all the time."
"I hate it too." Neros growled. "I hate how nobody takes the time to help me any more."
"Don't worry too much about it." Certo gave his brother a friendly bump on the head with his snout. "I'm sure it may only be temporary. Remember when you couldn't go out into the sun at all?"
"Don't remind me." Neros rolled his eyes. "It seemed like every time I stepped outside my scales would break out with blisters."
"But you got over that." Certo pointed out. "You'll do the same with your eye sight."
"I sure hope so." Neros sighed as he stared at his older sister's hindquarters. "I sure hope so."

Certo jolted awake on the balcony. He sat for several minutes panting heavily and massaging his forehead with the pads on his paw.
Meanwhile, just outside Terra's room, Crona was starting to stir. The sun warmed her awake and she rose with a loud yawn, catching Certo's attention from the adjacent balcony and rousing Terra and Amp inside.
"Morning," Amp murmured sleepily.
"Good morning," Crona greeted the couple as she walked back inside, carrying her borrowed blanket on her back. "You two sleep well?"
"Always when Ampy is by my side." Terra leaned over and kissed his snout causing the yellow dragon to blush. Even watching her made Crona blush slightly but quickly removed those thoughts from her mind. "So what's on your agenda for today?" Terra asked sweetly, looking up at the older white dragoness.
Crona only shook her head. "I just plan on doing some research at the library."
"How do you do it so much?" Amp asked as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. "I barely stay awake in class through the history lessons yet you willingly go to the library and read all day long."
"Maybe that's just what she likes to do." Terra scolded her mate with an elbow in the side. Amp squeaked and looked ashamed of himself.
"It's alright," Crona assured them as she waved her paw dismissively. "I've never really been into what other dragons my age have been interested in. So I usually find myself reading most of the time or practicing ma-" She suddenly cut herself off and let her mouth hang open.
"Practice what?" Terra raised a brow curiously while Amp tiled his head inquisitively.
"Nothing," Crona shook her head. "What are you two planning today?"
"I haven't fully decided." Amp started before Terra could speak. "But I was going to suggest that Terra show Certo around the city a little more. You know, get to know him a little and have him get a feel for our home." Terra looked at Amp in stupefied silence.
"Somehow I think he would be less than interested," Crona suggested.
"I know it's a possibility," Amp nodded. "But I think we should at least try to make him comfortable and even possibly become friends."
"I don't think Certo wants to be friends," Terra snapped, trying to keep her voice low so as not to wake the rest of the house. "He's a wild dragon who knows nothing of our society or our rules. That's what the elders have always told us and lately I've started to believe them."
Crona narrowed her eyes at Terra. "I would be the first to say not to be so quick to believe everything you hear. That idiot of a black dragon may not have grown up the same way you did but I'm sure he has the potential to be decent." Then Crona rolled her eyes. "Though I suppose I shouldn't hold my breath. He does act like a total stuck up jerk."
Terra stared at her paws and shifted them nervously as she usually did when she was worried about something.
Amp leaned in towards his dragoness and lowered his voice as well. "Terra, this may be the chance you get to change everything. I don't like seeing you scared but if this means we can... you know...then I say go for it."
"What are you two talking about?" Crona asked, slightly annoyed at being left out of their conversation all of a sudden.
"I-it's nothing," Terra stammered. "Don't worry about it."
Crona curled her lip in irritation but Amp and Terra failed to notice.
The grey dragoness fixed her mate with a stern look, her neon-green eyes staring deep into his yellow and violet orbs. Amp normally would have conceded, seeing this look from her; it was the one she gave when she was bent on not going through with something. But the lightning dragon's heart wouldn't let him give up so easily. He felt a spark of energy deep inside of him and he started to glow, sparks snapping occasionally around his body.
Crona watched the two of them, irritated at being left without information on what was going on. At last she couldn't take the silence any more and turned with a loud huff towards the balcony. She spread her wings and took off towards the library. Certo saw the dragoness leave from his newly acquired basking spot on the roof of the pavilion. He gave a disgusted snort, causing the wind to blow and shove Crona a little off balance in the air. The dragoness paid the action no mind but still Certo snickered to himself before closing his eyes to soak up the sun.
"You're dead serious about this, aren't you?" Terra's expression softened after a long, quiet staring contest with the lightning dragon.
"I am," Amp nodded. "I don't know why. But I really believe that Certo isn't the one."
"Amp," Terra sighed and looked away but the yellow dragon brought her gaze back to him with his tail blade.
"I'm not going to leave your side for any reason." Amp whispered. "I care about you and your happiness more than anything else in the world. I'm only doing this to try and make you happy."
Terra's shoulders slumped; she knew her mate wanted what was best for her as her father did but sometimes the favors they asked were beyond anything she could accomplish.
Amp could see his mate was still troubled so he leaned in and pressed his lips to her forehead. "I can't force you to do anything you don't want to do," he sighed. "But I trust that you'll do what your heart tells you to." Terra moaned at the tingle Amp left on her forehead. It was one of the kisses he would give her when he was trying to calm her mind when worrying about something too much. "I'm going to go out to the council temple and see of there's anything going on. I'm not sure what I missed yesterday when your dad sent me off to keep Certo company."
"Be careful," Terra called after him as he ducked under the curtain to her room.
Amp paused and smiled over his shoulder. "Anything for you Terra." And with that he was gone, leaving Terra alone with her thoughts. The ice dragoness sighed, letting out a cloud of frost across the floor. Her thoughts drifted to the black dragon who she remembered being out on the balcony adjacent to hers. She recalled seeing him for the first time without his bandages that previous night and how terrifying he looked to her. But perhaps it was just her imagination. Certo had not purposely done anything wrong. In fact, he couldn't due to the fact that he had been immobile for nearly three weeks.
Terra sighed and rubbed her forehead with the pads of her front paws. "Damn it, Amp, why?" She pondered aloud but when no one answered she immediately felt foolish and lay her head back down on her paws. Her mate had sounded so determined when he continually insisted that Certo was not the dragon of prophecy. "But what if Certo isn't the only black dragon," She whispered. Then as if to answer her own question, "Then that means there's a good chance we'll meet more black dragons later on." The sudden image flashed in her mind of multiple versions of Certo all around the city. Terra shook that thought out of her head and got to her feet to pace around the room. "Damn it, I don't want to." She snapped causing an ice spike to spit from her maw accidentally. The shard stuck straight up in the middle of the room and Terra cursed to herself, knowing what her parents would say when they found her room defiled.
As she pulled the spike out she found herself eyeing it in her talons. "What am I worried about? I can use my breath attacks. I can hold my own, sort of. If Certo were to try something I could always stop him on my own, or at least until Amp comes to rescue me." Terra looked up and tossed the spike out over the railing of the balcony. "What the heck, I'll give it a try." Then an evil grin spread across her mouth. "It's not like I can't take care of myself." That last comment was more for steadying her own nerves.
Feeling somewhat bolder, Terra marched out of her room and towards the central chamber of her family's pavilion. She looked over towards the balcony but saw no sign of Certo. The sudden confidence began to dwindle as her mind began to wonder where the black dragon had disappeared to. The ice dragoness cautiously made her way out onto the balcony and looked around the cityscape before her. There was no sign of the dragon in the air and Terra's view of the streets was limited. She was about to turn away when she heard a low sigh and a gust of wind chilled the back of her neck. Terra whirled around expecting to see that Certo had snuck up behind her but found no one there.
"Ahem," the sudden voice caused Terra to jump and her eyes snapped up to the roof. Certo sat on top of the roof, staring at her with his paws patiently crossed. "I'm guessing you were looking for me?" He asked plainly.
"I, uh..." Terra stammered before getting control of her nerves again. "Y-yes. Yes I was." When Certo didn't say anything Terra began to feel her confidence slipping more and more. "Well, um... anyways. I was wondering if you were doing anything today."
"Like what?"
"Well, I wasn't sure so I thought I'd ask." Terra was doing her best to appear confident before the older male. If she didn't ask him soon she would lose her nerve completely. "If you weren't busy, I was hoping you'd be willing to join me for the day on a tour of the city."
Certo stared at her silently; his bad eye seemed to shine like a precious red gem in the sunlight. Looking at it, Terra felt a pinch of fear deep down in her heart. "Well I suppose that all depends." Certo sighed after he felt the tension start to eat away at the grey dragoness. "What would be your reasoning be for wanting to spend a whole day with me?"
Terra raised an eye brow. "What do you mean?"
Certo sat up on his hind legs and stared harder at her. "Are you doing this out of the goodness of your heart?" He narrowed his eyes at her and lowered his voice. "Or is it because you feel pity for me and feel that I need someone to be there for me should I get lost?"
"N-no that's not it at all." Terra squeaked, the fear in her heart steadily increasing. "I just wanted to know if you wanted to spend some time with me today because, well, we didn't really get off to a good start. I figured we should start over and... you know, try and become friends."
Certo rose up on all fours and craned his neck down towards Terra. The dragoness noticed the way his scars caught the rays of sun and how battered they made him look. "Not if you're being put up to it by someone else," he answered with a subtle growl.
Terra stood frozen before him. She could not understand how he could be reading into her thoughts so clearly. Her brilliant green eyes locked onto his single crimson iris that seemed to be staring right through her.
Certo nodded with a disgusted frown. "That's what I thought."
"No, Certo, that's not what I meant!" Terra cried but the black dragon would hear no more of her excuses. He spread his long wings and lurched off the rooftop, sending a gust of wind carrying him out towards the city limits. "Wait!" Terra called after him, but Certo was already out of earshot. In a matter of seconds he had flown over the city walls and vanished into the enchanted forest beyond, heading towards Avalar.
Terra gasped in shock and fell back on her haunches in dismay. "What have I done?" She whispered to herself, choking back a sob. She collapsed onto her belly and began to cry hysterically. "Ampy!"

Crona closed the book she was reading. She had been spending the past couple hours looking through the dragon history texts studying everything she possibly could on dragon relations with the rest of the world.
"Damn it," she cursed as she got up with an air of frustration. "There has to be some sort of clue here. Something that gives me an idea to work off of."
"Studying hard, I see."
Crona's head snapped around and her wings burst open with the expectation of a fight.
Cryus backed up a couple steps and tucked his wings closer to his sides. The blue dragon could immediately tell he had treaded on sensitive ground. "Whoa, hey. Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you."
Crona narrowed her eyes at the young guardian and scowled. "Upset wouldn't begin to describe how I am right now. Now if you'll excuse me, I have work to do." She turned back and struggled to pick the book up like she had seen other larger dragons do.
"Here, let me help you with that." Cryus moved to help hoist the large book off the floor but Crona placed herself in front of him.
"I don't need anyone's help, thank you." Cryus backed off, looking a little hurt. Crona realized she was being cruel without reason and gave an exasperated sigh. "I appreciate the offer though."
"Yeah, sure. Any time." Cryus smiled. "If you need anything at all, you can come to me for help."
"I'll keep that in mind." Crona rolled her eyes sarcastically.
Cryus smirked. "I hope you do too." He gave a slight bow and turned to walk away. Crona waited until he was gone and no one else was watching before waving her paw in the air. The book rose off the floor in response and the world froze in time. Crona crept down the aisles to where she had found the book from. She found the spot she was looking for and raised the book up to the fourth shelf over her head. Once the book was set she released her hold on time and began to look around for her next manuscript.
"I know what you're trying to do, Crona." The white dragoness sighed and suppressed the growl in her throat.
"Do you guardians always insist on giving me trouble...?" Her voice trailed off as she turned her head. Standing at the end of the aisle was the oracle dragon, Sin. The white dragon wore a disinterested look on his face as the two of them locked eyes. "Oh, it's you now."
Sin bobbed his head slightly. "I wouldn't worry about Cryus too much. He means well."
"Meaning well and being of use are two different things." Crona narrowed her fierce blue eyes at him.
"True. Very true." Sin nodded as he walked towards her. Crona noticed that he was much shorter than she was. He was barely even Maya's size yet she could sense the wisdom of ages surrounding him. Sin stopped when he was just about nose to nose with Crona making the dragoness feel extremely uncomfortable. "But there are things about this world that not every dragon can understand. As I'm sure you well know."
"Who are you?" Crona demanded making sure to keep her voice low.
Sin shrugged. "You already know me by my name and title. I am exactly that. An oracle and advisor to the council and guardians."
"Oh you're more than just that," Crona hissed and stepped to the side, placing her flank towards him. "I've been around and through enough to know a normal dragon when I see one."
A grin spread across the white dragon's mouth and he sat down on his haunches. "You are just as keen as the whispers say. Tell me, what do you think I am?"
Crona's brows jumped slightly but a superior smirk spread across her face. "Well for one, I know you're no ordinary dragon. You have no wings but that may be just a birth defect. Your scales are as white as mine but I'm curious what color shell your egg was when you hatched." Sin was about to answer when Crona lifted a paw silencing him. "Judging by your features, I'd say it was either blue or green. You don't carry the muscular body of an earth dragon so my guess is you were meant to be an ice dragon. But you have no breath attacks of any sort. Your active power seems to be able to predict the future, hence making you the oracle and immediate advisor to the guardians." Crona's eyes narrowed. "Though that doesn't explain how you weren't affected by my time control ability during the meeting yesterday."
"Ah yes, that." Sin scratched his head and blushed slightly. "You see, not only can I see the future but I hear the voices of those past through time say about the world and others around them. And seeing as how you and I are one in the same, I have been able to listen to what has been said about you throughout the ages. And it has been nothing but good things."
"Oh really?" Crona tilted her head sideways to glance at the oracle questioningly. "So you're saying that you also saw my coming to this time period. Over a thousand years from my home time." She paused for a moment to think over her words but shook her head. "You know what I mean. That is if you really say that we are the same."
Sin nodded. "I do. And I did."
"So why didn't you speak up when I was trying to convince the council?" Crona snapped in a sudden outburst.
Sin raised a paw to quiet her down before she attracted unwanted attention. "I've heard what you've experienced Crona. I've heard and seen what the war has done to the world. I know what is to come."
"So why won't you help me stop it?"
"Because I'm not meant to."
"The role of the oracle is to guide the world into balance." Sin replied getting to his feet and walking over to Crona. "It's my job to advise, not take action upon those who live in this world. You know how free will works. You can lead a hatchling to water but you can't make them drink." Crona curled her lip at his attempt at being humorous.
"Well, can't you advise the guardians to listen to what I'm saying? If you can see into the future then you should be able to see what is coming!"
"I do know about the war with the apes, Crona. But in the grand scheme of things it's best to go through with it, despite the many losses that will occur."
Crona's temper suddenly burst out of control. The world came to a sudden halt and the blue mist manifested all around the white dragons. Sin shrank back in fear looking around in wide-eyed terror. Crona's eyes became as white as her scales as the energy massed around her in a crackling of lightning, fire, wind and ice. "How can you say that?!" She roared, not holding back any longer. "I lose my mother and my best friend and that's just me! Think of how many others will go through the same pain that I've endured for my whole life!"
"Crona, calm down," Sin coaxed softly. The dragoness only relaxed about three scales. "If you'll let me explain it may be clearer to you why I don't intend to do anything about the situation with the apes." Crona narrowed her eyes at him, icy energy billowing from her white orbs. Sin swallowed hard as he prepared to continue his explanation. "You have spoken to the guardians twice already. And being the smart dragoness you are I can tell you do not think very highly of them. Quite frankly I am inclined to agree with your view of them. They are all good spirits but they are far too arrogant and self-centered to provide dragon-kind with any long lasting prosperity. If I were to help you stop this war and they see that in fact you were right about it, then they will continue to believe that we dragons are the be all and end all of any conflict in the world.
"So you're saying that they will begin to hold themselves above all others in this world and consider anyone who isn't draconic inferior."
"Precisely," Sin nodded.
"Just like Malefor," the dragoness whispered as she envisioned thousands of dark dragons massing in a cloud of wings over the world. Crona lowered her gaze to the floor and her eyes returned to normal. The flow of magic around her diminished and time resumed its course. Crona felt numb all over. She thought that by being in the past she could change the course of history and save her family and thousands of dragons but the oracle's explanation had left her without a shred of hope.
Sin sighed and walked over to her and looked her in the eye. "I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news Crona. I can't say that I know the level of pain you've suffered. But things happen for a reason. It's all about balance in our world." Crona remained silent before him, staring at her talons in defeat. Sin felt a pang of guilt in his heart as he walked past her. At the end of the book aisle he stopped and paused to think for a moment. He turned back over his shoulder at the white dragoness whose wings were draped to the floor.
"You know Crona," he started hoping to grab her attention; she didn't move. "You're a smart dragoness. You should be aware of the events surrounding Certo."
"Why should I even worry about him?" Crona sniffled trying to hold back her tears. "I can't even take care of my own family, let alone a complete stranger."
"Because what you do may determine how your home will look when you return to your own time." A smile spread across Sin's lips. "Who knows, you may even do more good for dragon kind than you think." Crona lifted her head and turned around to see Sin had vanished. She paused to stare blankly at the end of the aisle before swallowing her courage and let out a deep sigh.
Sin continued to smile to himself as strolled out of the library. "Good luck young dragoness," He thought to himself. "You're going to need it if you wish to save both your futures."

Terra trudged through the streets with her head hung low and tail dragging along the ground. She had been walking along blindly for hours without any intended destination. Her thoughts were clouded with the memory of Certo earlier that morning.
"Not if you're being put up to it by someone else," She muttered to herself, repeating the stabbing words Certo had hit her with. For a wild dragon he was certainly perceptive.
"Terra!" The grey dragoness stopped and raised her head to see Amp bounding over to her. He was excited to see her but Terra only burst into tears and buried her face in his chest.
"Ampy!" She sobbed shaking her head. "I failed you. I failed myself. I failed everyone! I'm a failure!"
"Whoa! Hey now! What's all this about?" Then Amp's quills stood on end. "Wait, did something happen with Certo?" Terra nodded, her head still against his chest. "Oh Terra, I'm so sorry. I should have been there to protect you."
"It's not like that." Terra shook her head. "He did nothing to me."
"He didn't?" Amp stepped back and allowed himself to look her in the eye. "Then what happened?" Terra only continued cry softly. Amp sighed and walked over to her, draping his wing over her back. "Come on. Let's walk together. It may help you settle down."
It took a little while before Terra was relaxed enough to stop crying. When she wiped the tears from her eyes, she went on to tell about how long it had taken her to finally go out and talk to Certo. "I found him sitting on the roof and asked if he wanted to go tour the city with me."
"And he rejected your offer?"
Terra nodded. "But that's not the important issue. It's why he rejected my offer."
"Which is," Amp coaxed hoping she wouldn't keep the secret hidden.
"He seemed to know that I was only doing it because you asked me to. Not because I wanted to."
"I see," Amp bobbed his head slightly. He was beginning to understand Certo a little more with this new information. "Well, Certo also seems to think that the council looks down on him as inferior."
"But they do," Terra pointed out, sniffling loudly.
"I know," Amp continued. "I feel bad about going along with it. But I think Certo may be the kind of dragon we have to be straight forward with. He seems to be very good at reading into other dragon's emotions and actions."
Terra paused and thought about that. A chill ran down her spine when she remembered that crimson eye staring right at her, as if it could look into her thoughts. "You don't suppose it has anything to do with that bad eye of his, do you?"
"The one with the scar over it?" Terra nodded and Amp paused to think for a moment. "I don't think so." He shook his head. "I don't think I've ever heard of any dragons having telepathic abilities."
"But Sin can see into the future," Terra protested. "You can't tell me that's not some sort of telepathy."
"I'm not denying that it isn't. But Certo, I'm not so sure. When he talked about the guardians... He seemed to be speaking out of personal experience rather than tapping into some sort of mental power."
"How could you tell?" Terra raised a skeptical eye brow.
Amp shrugged. "It's almost like he's lived through a great tragedy. He acts like he knows what others are thinking because he's experienced similar situations before."
"I suppose that's possible." Terra nodded. "I wonder what he could have experienced to make him so keen on such a thing."
"I somehow get the feeling that he's not ready to tell anyone," Amp replied darkly.
"By the way he was acting at the meeting?"
"And that," Amp pointed a claw and Terra followed its direction. The two had come to the upper levels of the city towards the guardian's pavilions and gardens. Neither had realized that they were on the edge of the gardens where Amp had shown Certo the koi pond the previous evening. Across the lush lawns and flower beds sat Certo, staring sadly into the dim water of the koi pond.
"Certo, he's back," Terra gasped in almost a whisper. "I thought he had flown away or gone home or something along those lines."
Amp was silent for a moment as they watched the black dragon sitting silently like a black, scarred, scaly statue. "I don't think he has anywhere to go, even if he wanted to." Amp felt a genuinely sorry for the older dragon and Terra seemed to feel the emotion as well.
"Maybe I should go talk to him. Try and make things right." Terra took a step forward but Amp grabbed her paw in his.
"Do you want me there for support?"
Terra smiled warmly at him. "I'll be alright. I know that you'll be supporting me either way."
Amp normally would have been hurt by her response but the strength had returned to his mate's eyes. She seemed to glow with a new air of confidence and determination as she calmly walked into the gardens.
Certo sensed the chill from the ice dragoness in the air and broke his concentration from the koi swimming around in circles before him. Terra walked closer until she was standing only a couple yards from Certo.
"Mind if I sit down with you?" She asked somewhat timidly. The red eye blinked and looked at her before turning back to the koi pond. Terra took the hint that Certo did not care and moved closer until she was sitting right next to him. For several minutes she sat quietly watching the koi fish with him as she searched for the right words to say.
"I'm guessing this is where Amp took you yesterday when you two were out and about?" Certo gave a slight bob of his head but said nothing. Terra paused and looked around the gardens. She rarely spent any time here at all. When she was a hatchling she used to love to play here with Amp before his parents had passed away. "I haven't been here in years," She reminisced. "I had forgotten how much beauty there is still here."
"And I'm guessing that I put a taint on it," Certo suddenly growled.
Terra looked back at him and shook her head. "That's not true."
"Isn't it?" Certo turned his head and locked his eyes with hers. Terra felt her heart pound against her chest wall. After the initial shock she shook her head again to get her nerves under control.
"I don't believe so."
Certo narrowed his eyes at her as he studied her expression. Terra felt herself settle down when the black dragon sighed and turned away from her. "Why the sudden change?"
Terra sighed internally, relieved that he believed that she was being sincere. "Well... I thought about it for a long time." Terra began to fidget with her front paws nervously. "And, I don't think that I was being very fair to you. And I came to apologize. I'm sorry."
Certo only sat silently for a long time. The silence caused the tension in Terra's body to build up to the point where it was nearly tormenting her.
"I'm guessing by your silence that you're still mad at me." Terra felt a lump swell up in her throat.
Certo shook his head. "I don't know what I am. I was mad before and I want to be now but at the same time I don't want to be." He groaned as if in pain and clutched at his face, placing his paw over his bad eye. "I... I... I can't forgive you for earlier... what's done can't be undone... no matter how hard we wish it could be." The pain in his voice seemed to stab Terra in her heart. She was finally beginning to understand what Amp had said earlier. The grey dragoness leaned closer and stroked his back with the tip of her wing. Certo jolted from the contact and a sudden gust of wind blew through the gardens.
"Sorry," Terra apologized again scooting away from him. "Was I overstepping my boundaries?"
Certo ignored her question and continued to clutch at his throbbing head. "Why are all of you so afraid of me?" He groaned, a growl resonating in his throat. "What could I have possibly done to get so many of you terrified of me and everyone thinking that I need to be pitied all the time for being 'inferior' to you?"
Terra's muscles contracted tightly and she bit her tongue. She wanted to tell Certo everything that had been running through her head ever since he had been found at the river. There was so much he didn't now about what was going on around him and the dragoness truly wanted to tell him. "I... I'm sorry Certo. I know that all this change must be a bit overwhelming for you. But... I don't think I'm ready to talk about that subject just yet." The black dragon turned to look into her green eyes and she forced a slight smile. "I know it's not fair, but I'll do my best to treat you like a fellow dragon, rather than an outsider like so many others will. Because I know you're not ready to share your past with us yet either."
Certo's mouth opened to speak but he stopped before he could say anything. Terra smiled when she saw that he understood where she was coming from. She too had a history that she would have been happy to forget but was unable to change the past.
"You don't have to tell me anything," Certo sighed and hung his head. "Because I'd much rather forget my own past."
"I understand." Terra reached up with a paw and stroked his cheek, her talons brushing delicately over the horns that protruded from his cheek bone.
Certo sighed again and turned away. "You should go. I don't want your mate to worry about you too much."
Terra was surprised by his words but leaned in to bump his snout with hers. "Amp will be fine. But it's sweet of you to be concerned about him." Certo felt his heart beat faster but he retained composure. "Don't stay out too long." Terra said as she got up to leave. "I don't want you catching a cold out here." With that said, she spread her wings and soared out of the gardens towards home. As Certo watched her go he reached up to touch the cheek she had stroked. After a moment he squeezed his eyes shut as if trying to withstand a great amount internal pain. The black dragon turned and snorted loudly. The water's surface splashed loudly and the koi darted away to the far end where they took shelter beneath the lilies.
Another hour passed in silence for Certo as he lay beside the koi pond. The water's surface steadily calmed down as the sun began to set over the city. The nighttime bugs began to buzz and the koi came out again to catch their evening dinner. The black dragon watched them for a little while before getting to his feet and flying back towards Terra's home. As he grew closer he could see other dragons from the city all heading to their own pavilions for the night. Several looked up at him at he glided overhead and made snide remarks to themselves or the companions they were walking with. Certo curled his lip but did nothing else to entice further remarks from them.
At last he came to land on the balcony outside the main chamber of Terra's home. Inside it was quiet. Nitrus had not yet returned from the temple and Thundra was out with Maya. If Terra and Amp were there they were already asleep. Crona was not out on her balcony as she usually was but Certo could have cared less about the white dragoness. As he hopped off the railing he stepped on a piece of paper and jumped when it crinkled beneath his paws. Certo looked down at the sheet with a curious look on his face. On it was a message inscribed in ink. The characters were made by claw marks used by dragons who lived beyond the realms of dragon civilization. These marks were used for marking territories and Certo immediately recognized them. As he looked closer at the scratches he realized the poor spelling and bad conjugation; but the message was still clear
"Welcome home," he muttered once he had deciphered the note. He looked over at the adjacent balcony just outside of Terra's room but found no one watching him. Certo looked at the floor for a second before snatching the note up in his jaws and springing onto the roof of the pavilion. It was still warm from the sun beating down on it all day and would keep him comfortable for most of the night. He set the note down between his paws and sighed sadly as he read it again. A single tear emerged at the rim of his right eye as he laid his head down to rest.
"I hate my life," he whimpered as he began to drift off to sleep. Shortly after the sound of leathery wings could be heard as Crona came home for the night. She saw the black dragon on the roof asleep but paid him no mind. She was too mentally exhausted to care about him right now. Crona curled up on top of her blankets and was asleep in a matter of minutes.

"Great work Certo," Star praised her little brother as he hopped off the stag he had just brought down on his own. The animal was easily four times Certo's size with horns that would have torn the young dragon to shreds had he gotten within their range.
Star walked over and licked Certo lovingly on his cheek deliberately dragging her tongue along his sleek facial scales. Certo giggled and squirmed away. Star laughed and walked over to the dead stag. Certo had spotted the creature from a half mile away, proof that his sight for hunting was making improvement. After hunkering down in the underbrush the young dragon had crept up on the creature until he was only a few yards away. For such a young dragon, Certo was very skilled at sneaking up on others. Whenever he and Neros had played tag, Certo would have to be extra quiet in order to get the drop on his twin brother; but the stag was easy pickings.
Certo wiped the blood clean from his tail blade in the long grass and sat down beside his brother while Star positioned herself over the stag, preparing to transport it back to their cave.
"We just need to find you one so you can show how good you are." Certo whispered to his brother, making sure his big sister couldn't hear what they were up to.
Neros closed his eyes as Certo watched him concentrate. The wind rustled the trees and a warm breeze blew at Certo's back. "I have one." Neros muttered. "It's just north of us."
"What are you two talking about over there?" Star asked inquisitively. Certo and Neros were notorious for planning things together and most of the time they usually got into trouble with their little antics.
"Neros says he thinks there's more prey nearby." Certo replied bounding over to his big sister.
"Oh?" Star fixed Neros with her blue eyes. "And how does he know that?"
"I... uh," Neros swallowed hard and looked at his twin. Certo froze and realized what he had done. Being able to read the wind was his twin's special ability that compensated for his poor vision. Certo shot a quick glance at Star then shook his head, wanting Neros to keep his talent a secret from the rest of the family.  Neros nodded subconsciously and looked back at his older sister. "I smelled it... in the wind."
"Strange," Star narrowed her eyes at the albino dragon and lifted her snout to sniff around. "I didn't smell anything."
"I believe him," Certo retorted and flicked his long tongue out several times. Neros noticed the subtle hint and squinted slightly. The wind picked up again as Star flicked her tongue out as well. The scented particles hit her tongue and her eyes widened.
"I don't believe it!" She exclaimed. "You're right. There is a doe nearby."
Certo smiled at Neros who smiled back, content with having helped with the day's hunt.
"Come on, let's go get it!" Certo chirped. "Let's go Neros."
"Wait Certo!" Star called but the black dragon had already dove into the underbrush. Star sighed and glanced at Neros off to the side. The sun was beginning to set making it even harder for Neros to see her but he could tell by her silence that she was giving him a disgusted look. She grabbed the stag by its neck in her jaws and dragged it after Certo. Neros sighed and followed close behind her.
Up ahead Certo lay crouched in the underbrush. The doe Neros had sensed was just up ahead, twenty yards out of his reach. The sound of soft footsteps reached his ears and he turned to see Neros creep up next to him, his body low to he ground as well. Behind him was Star with a slightly annoyed expression on her face.
"See, up ahead." Certo thrust his head towards their next kill.
Star eyed the doe keenly and shifted her weight to her front paws. "I'll take care of this one," She hissed. The doe's ears twitched and it perked its head up to look around. The three dragons froze and held their breath. After several minutes, the doe went back to grazing.
"Let Neros do it," Certo whispered.
"Certo," Star started to argue but the little dragon interrupted her.
"He needs the practice. Please!" He stuck out his lower lip and gave her his big, blue, sad eyes. Star fought with herself to say no but the more she looked at him the less she could resist.
"Fine," She growled and looked sharply at Neros. "But hurry up."
Neros looked at her with his jaw hung open; amazed that she had given into Certo's request.
"Hey, go on!" Certo urged giving his brother an encouraging nudge. "Now is your chance."
Neros nodded and ducked into the thick underbrush again, moving around to flank the doe. The light shining through the branches was interfering with his sight. Neros paused and closed his eyes again to concentrate.
Certo turned his head when he felt the wind begin to pick up.
"Where did this wind come from all of a sudden?" Star grumbled as she lowered herself over Certo.
"You'll see," Certo thought to himself as he eagerly waited for his twin to make his move.
The doe looked up in alarm as the leaves started to rustle. She too seemed to sense that this wind was unnatural. Just as she was about to turn to flee in one direction she was hit with a strong familiar scent. Neros had carried the scent of the dragon around to cut off the doe's escape causing her to turn and back towards his position. The deer took a few frightened steps backwards, giving Neros the opportunity he was waiting for. At the same moment the doe turned to flee Neros lunged from his hiding place. The doe gave a frightened cry as Neros roared and outstretched his claws. The albino black dragon struck the doe in the side and dug his claws in deep.
"Yes!" Certo hissed excitedly. The deer was knocked to the ground on its back. Neros reared his head back to turn and bite down on the deer's jugular but the doe's flailing kept him from making the fatal bite. One of the deer's sharp hooves struck Neros in the side of the head, knocking him off its side and onto the hard ground. Neros's head spun but he kept his eyes shut. The wind disappeared keeping him from sensing where the deer was as she scrambled to her feet.
"Neros!" Certo shouted springing from his cover. The albino dragon opened his eyes in time to receive the full force of the doe's hind legs plunging into his gut. Certo watched in horror as his twin's rag-doll body flew threw through the air and hit the ground with a loud thud. Certo rushed over to his brother as the doe sprinted off into the forest. "Neros, are you okay? Neros!" The pale-skinned dragon coughed hard and clutched at his stomach. A cut where the deer had struck his head was beginning to bleed openly. The albino dragon's stomach was already bruised black, blue and purple and Certo found himself wanting to chase the doe down and teach her a lesson in hurting his brother.
Star walked up to the two youngsters, her gaze still on Neros. She watched as Certo helped his twin get to his feet and support him as best he could. Neros was barely hanging onto consciousness but he still managed to look up at his older sister who wore a disgusted frown on her face.
"You should have let me do it."
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megblaster's avatar
Man! Star is MEAN.